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Showing posts from 2012

Replace xscreensaver in CrunchBang Linux 10 "Startler"

Deep down in my heart I am a minimalist and to me CrunchBang Linux has the right balance between minimalism and usefulness. However, one thing I've always struggled with it is the choice of xscreensaver for the simple lock screen task because it also does monitor power management, which has to be turned off to avoid conflict with xfce4 power manager. Last week I finally decided to bite the bullet and replaced it with much simpler slock and here's how I did it. Step 1 - Remove xscreensaver and install the screen locker of your choice To remove xscreensaver simply: sudo apt-get purge xscreensaver Next, you'll need to install xautolock to lock screen automatically after certain idle time (mine's set to 1 minute): sudo apt-get install xautolock Now you have to choose a screen locker. I use slock , which is probably the simplest screen lock ever because all you get is a blank lock screen. There's also xtrlock , which is installed by apt automatically when I